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Ideal Talmid

Our Ideal Talmid: wants to be a Chossid, eager to learn, well behaved, loves to learn about hands on activities, wise, will thrive with the opportunity to participate in farming, machine shop work, building, landscaping on a 70 acre farm with a 13 acre lake on a pristine mountaintop. 

Sign up here telling us why you are really excited for your son to have this opportunity, how he can benefit and how he can contribute.

Your son’s new Cheder life

Davening followed by learning until mid afternoon.

Followed by activities which are planned to include - farming - animal care, feeding, fencing, haying, orchard planting and care, vegetable garden planting and care, observing shechita and assisting in melicha; construction - building animal shelters, and other structures; machine shop; outdoor skills including map reading, orientation, animal and bird identification, lake maintenance and fishing.

These additional skills are taught by seasoned locals who have lifetimes of experience in each area.

Fun after dinner activities include kayaking and swimming in the 13 acre beaver pond/lake, soccer, and supervised archery and trips to local waterfalls and visiting other farms.

The day concludes with davening, krias shema al hamita and based on weather some recreational activity or fire pit.

Erev Shabbos includes Mivtzoim.​

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